• Understanding Asbestosis

    Asbestosis is one reason why you might need to call an asbestos removal company. Asbestos removal can help prevent this chronic lung disease, which develops with prolonged exposure to asbestos fibers . Some of the symptoms of asbestosis include shortness of breath, chest pain, and a dry cough that may be bloody. To learn more about asbestosis and the importance of asbestos removal, watch this video.

    This animation depicts normal respiration and shows what happens when asbestos fibers are inhaled. Once in the airways, these small particles are attacked by macrophages, a type of immune cell. However, asbestos particles readily destroy macrophages, which release enzymes during cell death. These enzymes irritate the lung tissue, leading to the development of scar tissue in the lungs. By contracting with an asbestos removal company serving San Francisco, you can reduce the risk of asbestos exposure.

  • Physical Symptoms of Mold Exposure

    There are many different types of molds or mildew that can thrive indoors as well as outdoors. A building may require mold removal if it features a warm, humid environment, such as a shower stall in a home. Mold test and removal is essential because even though the mold appears to be stationary, it releases tiny mold spores that drift through the air. If you’ve been exposed to mold, you may suffer from ill health effects.

    Allergic Reactions
    Some people may suffer from allergic reactions upon being exposed to mold. These symptoms may arise immediately after exposure; however, for some people, it takes a while to experience symptoms. Some of the possible signs of a mold allergy include coughing, wheezing, sneezing, tearing of the eyes. A runny nose, rash, and skin irritation can also indicate a mold allergy. However, even if you aren’t allergic to mold, it is possible to experience some of the symptoms of an allergic reaction, namely irritation of the airways, eyes, and skin.

    Bay Area Mold Removal

    Asthma Attacks
    If you’re allergic to mold and you have asthma, it’s particularly important to contact a mold removal service in San Francisco. Some of the signs of an asthma attack include chest tightness, coughing, and wheezing. You may experience breathing problems, such as gasping for air, breathing faster than usual, and feeling as though you’re out of breath. If you do suffer an asthma attack because of mold, follow your physician’s recommended treatment plan. This will likely include using a rescue inhaler and going to the nearest emergency room.

    Respiratory Infections
    There is some evidence that mold exposure can cause respiratory infections. This may be more likely to occur to individuals who have a compromised immune system and those who have a chronic lung disease. A mold removal company can help you prevent these dangerous complications.

    Sick Building Syndrome
    Sick building syndrome is a term that refers to undefinable medical concerns linked to a particular building. For example, a group of individuals who frequent an office building may all develop similar symptoms after spending time in that building. These symptoms may include respiratory complaints, headaches, fatigue, skin irritation, and even gastrointestinal problems. Despite the similarity of the health complaints, professionals are unable to diagnose a specific illness, hence the term, “sick building syndrome.” Sick building syndrome is believed to have a number of causes, including exposure to mold.

  • Should You Test Your Home for Lead?

    Lead poisoning can lead to a number of serious health risks. Lead paint testing is always a good idea, particularly if you have small children. This is because young children tend to put objects and fingers in their mouths, increasing their risk of lead exposure. Lead paint removal is also essential if you or a loved one is pregnant, since lead poisoning can cause serious harm to a developing fetus.

    There are other reasons why you might call a lead paint removal company serving San Francisco. Homes that were built prior to 1950 almost always require lead paint removal. Those that were built before 1978 are also more likely to feature lead paint. It’s particularly important to test a home that has peeling or chipping paint, and a home that you plan to repaint or otherwise renovate. Even if you’re certain that your home does not feature lead paint, you may need to work with a lead removal company. If your home is close to a freeway, exhaust from leaded gasoline may have increased the lead content of the soil.

    Lead Paint Testing San Francisco

  • Spotting the Symptoms of Lead Poisoning in Kids

    Lead poisoning is a serious concern for families with young children, particularly those that live in older homes. Children can be exposed to lead by inhaling or swallowing it, or by absorbing it through the skin. Once lead enters into a child’s body, it is distributed throughout the tissues, causing widespread damage and a variety of symptoms. If you have young children or you’re an expectant parent, contact a company that offers lead paint testing in San Francisco. By testing your home and arranging for lead paint removal , if necessary, you can protect your youngsters from acute and chronic lead poisoning.

    Lead Paint Removal San Francisco

    Physical Symptoms
    It’s common for kids who have been exposed to lead to not display any symptoms of lead poisoning. This is one reason why you should call a company about lead paint testing despite the absence of symptoms. When kids do display symptoms, they can include headaches, fatigue, and a metallic taste in the mouth. They may experience gastrointestinal symptoms, including abdominal pain, constipation, vomiting, or nausea. Parents might also observe loss of appetite, weight loss, and pale skin caused by anemia. Children may complain of muscle and joint pain or weakness, and they may suffer from seizures.

    Behavioral Signs
    Lead paint removal is essential for eliminating the possibility of behavioral and cognitive changes among kids . Behavioral problems may be accompanied by irritability and difficulty concentrating. Some children may appear to be inattentive, while others are hyperactive. Lead poisoning may easily be mistaken for the symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

    Long-Term Effects
    When children are exposed to lead for a prolonged period of time, additional health problems can develop. They may have delayed muscle and bone growth, impaired muscle coordination. Seizures followed by unconsciousness may occur, and children may suffer from hearing loss and damage to the nervous system or kidneys. Developmental delays, and speech and language problems are also associated with exposure to lead paint.

  • Lead Poisoning and the Effects on Your Health

    If you look at the periodic table, you’ll see several elements that you need to consume for good health—calcium, zinc, and iron are just a few that you might recognize. However, lead is one element that is not good for your health. If you live in an older Bay Area home, contacting a lead paint removal company serving San Francisco and scheduling lead paint testing may be essential for your health and that of your family.

    This video provides additional information about the dangers of lead poisoning. Being exposed to even small amounts of lead can be extremely dangerous. It’s not just your two-legged family members who are at risk of poisoning if you don’t schedule lead paint removal—your family pets may also be affected by lead paint. Watch this full video clip to learn how lead can enter the body and affect your health.

  • A Look at the Link between Asbestos and Cancer

    Asbestos is a group of naturally occurring minerals that are non-conductive and resistant to fire, heat, and chemicals. These properties make asbestos very versatile and durable, and are the reason why it has been used in many applications, including construction, for decades. However, asbestos can be harmful to the health of those who come into contact with it and has been linked to cancer, which is why many people in the Bay Area turn to companies that provide asbestos abatement in San Francisco . Here is a closer look at the connection between asbestos exposure and cancer.

    San Francisco Asbestos Abatement

    How Are Asbestos and Cancer Linked?
    When asbestos is disturbed, some of its fibers can become airborne and then be inhaled. Once these fibers enter the lungs, they may stay there permanently. Asbestos is a known human carcinogen, meaning that it is recognized to cause cancer, so exposure to and inhalation of asbestos can increase a person’s risk of developing cancer. According to The Mesothelioma Center , asbestos-related cancers affect nearly 8,000 people in the United States each year. In order to reduce cancer risk, it’s essential for homeowners to leave asbestos testing and asbestos removal to the professionals.

    What Types of Cancer Are Associated with Asbestos?
    The two types of cancer that are most commonly associated with asbestos are lung cancer and mesothelioma. There are approximately 4,800 asbestos-related cases of lung cancer diagnosed each year. Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that affects the chest wall and the lining of the lungs, and there are about 3,000 new cases of this form of cancer diagnosed each year. Asbestos exposure is believed to be the primary risk factor for mesothelioma. Other forms of cancer have also been linked to asbestos. These include colorectal cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, esophageal cancer, and kidney cancer.

    Who Is at Risk for Cancer Due to Asbestos?
    Individuals who are exposed to asbestos on a regular basis over a long period of time are most at risk for asbestos-related cancer. Individuals who have worked with asbestos during construction and those who spend long periods of time in buildings with asbestos—especially asbestos that has been disturbed—are at greater risk for cancer. The amount of asbestos inhaled, the length of the exposure period, the makeup of the asbestos fibers, and the source of the asbestos fibers all impact a person’s risk of developing asbestos-related cancer. In addition, smoking and having lung disease can increase a person’s risk of developing cancer due to asbestos exposure. If you suspect that your home contains asbestos, an asbestos abatement company can remove the material to help keep your family safe.

  • Asbestos and Mesothelioma

    If you live in an older home or work in an older office building, you may be at risk for asbestos-related health conditions, including mesothelioma. Asbestos was commonly used as insulation and in other applications of home construction several decades ago. If you are concerned about your risk due to asbestos exposure, schedule asbestos abatement in San Francisco and read the following information about the link between asbestos and mesothelioma.

    Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that affects the lining of the lungs and the abdominal cavity. It is a rare type of cancer, but can be very deadly. Exposure to asbestos is thought to be the primary cause of this condition. The more asbestos fibers you breathe in during your lifetime, the greater your risk of developing mesothelioma becomes. Some of the symptoms of mesothelioma include chest pain, weight loss, dry cough, and shortness of breath. If you are concerned about your mesothelioma risk, contact a company that provides asbestos testing and, if necessary, schedule asbestos removal for your home. If you experience any of the symptoms of mesothelioma before or after the asbestos removal company visits your home, be sure to visit your doctor right away.

    Asbestos Abatement San Francisco

  • 3 Facts You Need to Know about Indoor Air Quality

    You likely give little thought to the air you breathe inside your home or office each day, so you may be surprised to learn just how important indoor air quality can be. There are a number of things that can impact your air quality, and you may need help from an asbestos removal and mold removal company serving San Francisco to ensure your home’s air is safe for you and your family. Continue reading to learn three important facts about indoor air quality.

    Mold Removal San Francisco

    It Can Be Worse Than Outdoor Air Quality
    While outdoor air can have many pollutants, many homes and office buildings actually have worse air quality than the outdoors. Chemicals in paint and other construction materials, mold growth, and dust can all negatively impact indoor air quality. Some older buildings may also have lead paint and asbestos insulation, which can both contribute to poor indoor air quality.

    It Can Impact Your Health and Comfort
    If your home has poor indoor air quality , your family’s health may suffer. Inhaling mold spores can cause a number of symptoms, including respiratory problems and headaches. Lead paint inhalation can be toxic, while inhaling asbestos particles can cause potentially fatal cancer. Even if your home is free from these toxic substances, it can still have poor indoor air quality due to dust buildup in your home, which can contribute to allergies.

    There Are Steps You Can Take to Improve It
    One of the simplest steps you can take to improve your home’s indoor air quality is to change your HVAC filter every month. It’s also important to regularly clean your home and launder your linens to keep allergens at a minimum. If you suspect that your home may have lead paint or asbestos, you can arrange to have lead paint testing or asbestos testing performed and, if necessary, schedule lead paint or asbestos removal. If your home is harboring mold growth, schedule mold remediation services to improve your home’s indoor air quality.

  • Tips for Protecting Your Child from Mold-Related Asthma Problems

    Breathing in elevated levels of mold and mildew can initiate an allergic or even toxic response in an otherwise healthy individual. In children, indoor mold exposure can trigger asthma attacks and even result in long-term respiratory problems. Preventing asthma attacks in children can be as easy as cleaning up mold and mildew in your home. This catchy tune from the Ad Council and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will tell you more about protecting your child from mold-related asthma problems.

    A mold remediation company in San Francisco can protect you and your family from indoor mold exposure. In addition to mold removal, a thorough mold remediation involves eliminating the source of moisture that caused the mold problem in the first place. Call your San Francisco mold abatement professional to get started.

    Mold Remediation Bay Area

  • Exposing Myths about Lead Poisoning

    Lead is a heavy metal that was used for many residential and commercial purposes, the most notable being lead paint and lead varnishes. Lead-based paint was available to the general public until 1978, when it was banned for residential use due to the toxicity of lead. If you live in an older home or apartment building in San Francisco, contact a lead paint testing and removal company to protect yourself and your family from the harmful side effects of lead poisoning. To clear the air surrounding lead, here’s the truth behind some of the most common myths about lead poisoning.

    Lead Paid Testing Bay Area

    Myth: Eating Paint Chips is the Only Way to Get Lead Poisoning
    While eating paint chips or chewing on things that have lead paint are obvious ways a child can be poisoned by lead, he or she only has to breathe lead dust to become poisoned. Toys that have come into contact with lead dust can also poison a child when put in the mouth.

    Myth: Low Levels of Lead are Harmless
    The truth is that even very low levels of lead in a child’s blood can create long-term developmental problems. If your child’s doctor finds evidence of lead poisoning, contact a lead paint removal company in San Francisco to eliminate the risk of further contact with lead.

    Myth: Lead Poisoning is Not a Problem Anymore
    It’s true that lead-based paint is no longer available to the general public, but that doesn’t mean lead poisoning isn’t a very real problem. As lead-based paint gets older, it begins to peel and chip. Old lead-based paint also creates dust that can be inhaled and lead to lead poisoning in children and adults.

    Myth: Only Children are at Risk from Lead Poisoning
    Speaking of adults, children are not the only ones who are at risk for lead poisoning. It’s true that children are especially vulnerable to the toxicity of lead, but adult health can also be compromised by lead poisoning. For example, exposure among adults can result in reproductive complications. Even if you don’t have children in your home, contact a lead removal company if you suspect your home contains lead-based paint.